Scientific Name: Piper Aduncum, Piper angustifolium, Piper acutifolium Other Names: Cordoncillo, hierba soldado, achotlín, matico de la altura, matico-mocco-mocco, moho-moho, monkey-pepper, spiked pepper Piper aduncum L is a native shrub of tropical regions in Central and South America. In South America, Piper aduncum is found throughout Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. Moreover, matico was introduced during the 19th century to Asia where it is considered an invasive species. Matico essential oils are important as traditional medicine for ameliorate diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli and for inducing wound healing. Matico essential oils has traditional uses in herbal medicine and agriculture Foto: Jardín Botanico de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Nacional de Salud Intercultural Matico is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the pepper family. It can reach from four to seven meters in heig...