Garlic Ear Oil


1-2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil

How to make:

Combine the garlic and olive oil in the top of double boiler. Warm over very low heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the oil smells strongly of garlic. Use a stainless-steel strainer lined with cheesecloth to strain out the garlic. Strain well: no garlic pieces, no matter how tiny, should be left in the oil. Pour the strained oil into a small glass dropper bottle. Store in a cool pantry or closet, where the oil keep for several weeks, or in the refrigerator, where it will keep for several months.

To use:

Each time you use the oil, it needs to be warmed; just place the dropper bottle in a pan of hot water until the oil is warm not hot. If in doubt, do a test drop in your own ear. 

Dispense a dropperful of the warm garlic oil down each ear. The ear canals are connected and the infection can move back and forth, so always treat both ears. If possible, hold a warm, dry cloths over the ears after applying the oil, and/or gently massage around the ears. Repeat every 30 minutes, or as need until pain subsides.

More about garlic as medicinal plant.

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