Medicinal plants: TARA
Scientific name: Caesalpinia spinosa
The Tara is a native tree species of the Andean valleys of Peru. Dispatched by the Peruvian coast from Piura to Tacna and in the valleys of Ancash, Apurímas, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Huanuco and Junin. Available between the months from May to August. Peru is the main product of Tara in the world.
The Tara is a small tree reaching measure about 5 m high and grows from 50 to 2800 m. The Tara is used as a medicinal plant and as a vegetable input for the chemical industry. Pod of Tara tannins with astringent and medicinal properties as coagulants are extracted. The Tara is used as a medicinal plant and as a vegetable input for the chemical industry. The fruits or pods containing gallic acid at a concentration greater than 50% is applied to stomach conditions, such as wound healing and antiescorbutic principle. Its good percentage of tannins found primarily in the bark of fruit.
It has antioxidant and bleaching properties as well as antiseptic and conservation. Tannins are used to treat ulcers and diarrhea. Tara gum is used as an appetite depressant and binding agent in compressed tablets.
How to use:
Gargle: Boil a handful of tara in a pint of water. Let stand about 20 minutes. Gargle.