Eyewashes can be used to soothe tires, inflamed, and/or infected eyes. Some even claim they can improve vision. the washes causes the blood vessels of the eyes to cntract and then relax. They are an excellent therapeutic practice for eyes that are getting lots of use from reading and sitting in front of a computer.
Herb teas used as eyewashes should be some what weaker than teas for ingestion. Use just 1 scant teaspoon of herb per cup of water,and simmer at a low boil for 10 minutes to assure sterility. Use a strainer with a very fine mesh to strain the tea to void getting paarticles of herbs in your eyes, and cool the tea to body temperature bedore administering.
To administer an eyewash, you'll need an eyecup, available at any pharmacy. Especially in cases of eye infections, it is important to sterilize the eyecup between uses either by running ot through a dishwasher with heated dying cycle or by bringing water to a boil, pouring it into the eyecup, and letting it sit for 1 minute.
Pour enough of the strained tea into the sterilized eyecup to fill it. Lean back and pour the mixtura into one of your eyes, being sure to blnk several times so the eye is well bathed. Repeat with the other eye.
Make eyewashes fresh for each day of use to avoid introducing bacteria into the eyes. If you're repeating treatment trough the day, you can brew the tea i the morning and refrigerate any extra. Allow the refrigerated tea to reach room temperature before using it, and discard whatever is left over at the end of the day.
Use only those herb that are recommended for eyewashes.