Tinctures are herbal extracts made with alcohol, vegetabe glycerin, or vinegar instead of water. Tinctures are especially useful for extracting resins and oils from plant material, which water doesn't do very well. The liquid used toextract the herbs is knon asthe menstruum. The herbs being tinctures are known as the mark.
Prepare the herbs by chopping or grinding them. Put them in a glass jar and cover with the menstruum of your choice, addin enough that there is an extra inch of liquid above the plant material. Store ina cool, fry location. Shake daily. After a month, strain out the herbs, first with a strainer and then through a clean, undyed cloth. Pour the tincture into dark glass bottles, and label and date them. Compost the spent plant material. Store the bottles away from heat and light
Alcohol is an ideal menstruum for extracting fats, resins, waxes, and most alkaloids. It is an excellent preservative and is quicky assimilated. It must be at least 50 proof to have good presertvative qualities. Vodka or brandy is a good choice. Alcohol tinctures will last for many years.
Vegetable glycerin is a useful menstruum when you are making tinctures for those who are alcoholintolerant, for children, or for pregnant or nursing mothers. Glycerin is both a solvent and a preservative that has an effectiveness somewhere between that of water and alcohol.It is naturally sweet and can extract mucilage, vitamins, minerals, and tannins from plant material, although it doesn't extract resins very well. It is itself slightly antiseptic, demulcent, and healing when diluted. Glycerin tinctures, known as glycerites, are usually prepared using 1 part water to 2 parts glycerin. Glycerites have a shorter shelf life than alcahol tinctures, about 1 to 3 years.
Apple cider vinegar, preferably organic, can also be used as a menstruum, and it is itself a digeitstive tonic. Look for a vinegar that is 5.7 percet acetic acid or there abouts for a ong shelf life. Warm the vinegar before pouring it over the herbs, and do not prepare or store the tincture in a jar with a metal id, or the lid will rust. This type of tincture will have a shelf life from six months up to four years.